Sunday, August 16, 2009

Watering, Sunday August 16, 2009

The eggplants at the Tower are noticably bigger (see photo); the cucumber has a slight gash, probably an accident due to human interaction. It's really remarkable that there haven't been any other negative interactions, other than one (1) cigarette butt and one (1) beer can pull; when you consider the heavy party use of these areas, it's clear that the community is showing great respect and liking for the plants.

The re-seeded salad troughs are showing tiny seedlings now; the Tower seedlings are a little bigger than those at the Court. I noticed some sunflower seed shells in the Tower salad trough. Actually there were a lot of these shells on the ground as well as the trough, appearing to be harmless and accidental additions to the surface of the soil, not anything on purpose or significant.

I thought it was worth noting any interactions with the community, but there really hasn't been that much to report except people always seem positive when I bring it up in conversation.

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