Friday, July 31, 2009

Watering Friday, July 31 2009

I was a little late getting to the watering today, but OTOH I got a look at things under the high noonish sun.

It looks like the tomatoes are spreading themselves to get as much sunlight as possible, which is good news for the walls behind them. The leaves on the squash are turning light brown; I don't know what the problem is but I guess it's time to ask for expertise. If you click on the photo, you'll get a full-sized pic which I hope will make the situation more clear.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Watering Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Today's forecast as a real hot one, so I made sure to soak the plants good.

The tomatos at the tower seem to be ripening a little slower than at the Court; perhaps it's just a different amount of sunlight. In both locations, some of the plants are putting out a very nice-looking chain of tomatoes progressing from flower to fruit, as in this photo from the Tower.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Watering Monday July 27, 2009

The plants are looking pretty good. Some of the small tomatoes at the court are starting to ripen (see photo).

Two of the small, dark-green peppers at the Court separated from their plant. I don't know whether they fell or were bumped.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Watering Saturday July 25, 2009

Weekend morning waterings to the sound of the birds are so restful!

The green tomatoes are covered in a golden fuzz. Perhaps it's a simple defense against insects (it must be a field of aweful spikes to them!) but at our scale, it catches the sunlight in a very pretty way.

Our most ambitious cucumber seems to have taken an abrupt reversal of course. It shouldn't affect its eatability, but it sure is funny-looking! (see photo)

We water, and wait. The formerly blank walls are now green leaves up to eye level. Food is coming, but beauty is here!

Notable article today in today's Seattle Times: Vegetable gardens crop up in Seattle parking strips

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The First Harvest

In less than a month the rooftop containers at Centennial have really shown their stuff. Over fifteen pounds of produce was handed off to Northwest Harvest's Cherry Street Food Bank warehouse manager, Matthew Campbell, this past Friday. The harvest included lettuces, mixed braising greens, basil, sweet peppers and parsley.

Since the lettuce and mixed greens beds were emptied out we now have two tubs to plant with crops to be harvested this fall. More details on that to come.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Welcome to Seattle Urban Agriculture!

Urban Agriculture is an exciting prospect for sustainability, food and fun!
Here in Seattle, we're taking baby steps. The project for which this blog was first created is container gardening at Centennial Apartments in Belltown. We need a way to track progress and plan care.
Perhaps we'll expand. Let's hope so!